Forever increase the aesthetic and monetary value of your home.
A well thought-out swimming pool landscape will turn a fun, recreational area, into one that forever increases the aesthetic and (quite possibly) monetary value of your home. There are few things more decadent than having a private oasis in your backyard.
Possibly the best solution for a swimming pool landscape look that will be beautiful while also being immune to prying eyes is to surround it with greenery – plants tall and lush enough to form a screen around the perimeter. Of course, unless you plan to spend the other half of your free time dishing leaves out of the pool, you need to make your pick wisely. Large deciduous trees or even needle-bearing evergreens can be more trouble than they’re worth, and fruit and flower trees, aside from being a source of obvious mess: attract flies, bees and wasps. Also, large trees with their correspondingly big root systems can cause damage to an in-ground swimming pool over the course of a few years.
Proper foliage.
A better option are broadleaf evergreens like Holly. One way to save space while still getting all the green you desire is to grow vines up trellises, or even to purchase an Espalier tree. Espalier trees have their branches trained to grow out to either side, so they essentially form a flat barrier of branches.
These are the best landscaping ideas for privacy; the alternative being a fence or wall, which will lack the gentle arboreal and natural feel of vegetation, but provide the safety and security you might prize over those traits if you have small children. Another serious consideration if that’s the case is a strong pool cover that will support the weight of your child should they happen to fall on it.
Safety & Design.
It’s also a good idea to surround your pool with patio tiling, ensuring a safe, non-slip, surface around the pool. Lazing outside is one of the most luxurious parts of having a pool so think about the social space you’re constructing and how many people you’d like to be able to entertain.
Lastly, think about style. You will ideally need your swimming pool landscape design to echo the architectural features of your home. Often people renovate their houses without giving any thought to the outmoded style of the pool in the backyard. Look at a variety of custom designs remembering always that your dream swimming pool will be the one that fits seamlessly into your dream home.