We hope all is well and good with our neighbors and their families. We’ve been dealing with many pools that have been damaged by floodwater during the recent Houston floodings and we hope these tips will be helpful if you are caring for your affected pool.
- First, please do not drain your pool at least for several weeks since the pool can pop out of the ground, floating on top of the water beneath it. If this occurs, it can cause more extensive damage and expense.
- It is important to inspect equipment for any damage and check the pressure gauge of the filters to see if they are over PSI 30, indicating that they need to be cleaned. You do not want to add chemicals prematurely without checking the equipment as you’ll be wasting materials and money if you cannot start the pool.
- Please be cautious of cleaning spaces such as skimmer baskets since you might find poisonous spiders or snakes. We recommend wearing gloves and washing your hands immediately after, always avoiding touching your face since floodwaters can contain staph and disease.
- Try to clean as much debris as possible with a net instead of relying solely on your pool cleaner as it can become clogged and broken.
- Attempt to brush the pool at least once a day to breakdown and prevent the growth of algae blooms.
- Check and balance your pool chemicals before swimming. Even if your pool looks clear, it is important to check your water for contaminants. Simply adding shock may not be enough to rid your pool of pathogenic microbes such as the very chlorine-resistant cryptosporidium.
For step-by-step instructions, we recommend reading this helpful post (www.zodiac.com.au/cleaning-flooded-pools) from our partner Zodiac. If you do not see a positive change to your pool or are seeking professional assistance, feel free to call Casey’s Pools with any questions or concerns you might have.